Food safety
Wilkofruit puts a strong focus on quality, both the quality of products and food safety. All our suppliers work according to the Global Gap standards and have a well-functioning quality system. The majority of the imported volume is cultivated, produced and packaged in a way that is as sustainable as possible for the wellbeing of man and animals.
Wilkofruit is in the possession of the IFS Broker and IFS Logistics certificates, both high level documentations.
All the incoming and outgoing products are being controlled on quality by a certificated quality inspector.
The residual control is executed by Food Compas. This organisation makes excellent risk analyses plans for how to take covering quality samples.
The automation system of Wilkofruit has a tight track and trace system to make sure that reacting adequately is possible in case of a calamity.
To download the following documents:
BRC Certificate - EU BIO certificate - RIK Certificate - Survey Quality system - GlobalGAP CoC